Jun 2, 2010

SharePoint Page performance based on component performance

When navigating to a Sharepoint site home page or any other page and it seems to take ages before the page loads, there can be multiple reasons but the one's we are focusing here is at the component level.

A SharePoint page can consist of many parts like
  • htlm controls
  • web controls 
  • webparts
In some scenario, few pages on the site are slower compared to others or all the pages are slow regardless. To find that the bottleneck is one of the component listed above, we can go ahead and use the trial version of Idera tool. We can also use the code profiling but this tool can help us to do the profiling of the component which are slow instead of profiling all components.

It displays the result as follows:

As you can see in the above screenshot, the components are slow but not one particular most of them are slow. Which means, instead of focusing on one component, we need to take a look at the overall communication between the servers in the farm.

On the otherhand, if we would have found slowness with one particular component or few components then we can go ahead with profiling, code review, memory leak and so on.

If we are looking at the overall slowness or other issue please check my others performance related posts.

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