Apr 19, 2010

SharePoint Slow Performance and Warmup script (Object Model or WebRequest)

SharePoint Sites are slow, duh!

Well, we need to resolve the bottleneck ...

If sharepoint site is slow always? follow the link


If the sharepoint site is slow only during the wee hours or certain time of a day?

Do the following:

* Recylce appliction pool on Web Front End Servers at different time of the day and just before peak hours.

* Object Model vs Web Request, what to use in the warmup script?

      - Object Model can be used when you don't know your highly accessed page and the new sites are created or deleted frequently i.e. configurtion files does require frequent changes. warmup script link

      - Web Request does not enumerate sites automatically in the farm and you need to add the url's of highly accessed page explicity. In other words, if you create new site; add the url manually to the configuration file. warmup script link

* From the warmup script access frequently accessed page, so that it's cached after application pool recycle.

UPDATE: customized pages are parsed (by IIS) using no-compile mode, so accessing the unghosted pages won't help much
                  highly accessed pages should be deployed as ghosted pages onto the sharepoint if performance matters
* Check IIS configuration, it might be recycling the application pool automtically based on the size of worker process

Related Topic:
                              SharePoint Workflow and Warmup Scripts

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